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Crystalline DNA Acivation One

Crystalline DNA Actualisation Two

Our DNA helix strands are to be found in the nucleus of every cell in our body. The nucleus contains all the information required to create our body. We have 46 chromosomes in the body, which come in 23 pairs made up of over 30 000 active genes. It has been determined that 97% of our DNA “apparently” does nothing, and this dormant DNA is known as ‘junk’ DNA.


However, this ‘junk’ DNA contains the Light Codes, sacred geometries and blueprints of each lifetime and related timeline, as well as how to achieve ascension and enlightenment in each timeline.


Have you ever imagined yourself experiencing higher states of consciousness? Imagine constantly receiving guidance and knowledge from your Higher Self to rise above daily mental and emotional dramas. Plus activating your intuition to know exactly what your life’s purpose is. Imagine enjoying excellent health and experiencing a life full of vitality and energy. The truth is you already have all these abilities within you, they are just in a dormant state. DNA Activation is the process that allows you to activate these abilities and many more.

The key to humanity’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution lies within our DNA. The potential encoded into our DNA Template is that of the 12 strand DNA Template, which allows 12 dimensions of consciousness.


Benefits of a DNA Activation:


  • Clearing of the emotional body and the lower bodies

  • Clearing at a cellular level false beliefs, judgements and genetically inherited patterns and past life/parallel reality events

  • Increased Light within the body at a cellular level as the atoms and molecules spin faster in increased Light frequencies

  • Remembrance of our Cosmic heritage through connecting and merging with our multidimensional selves

  • Coming into empowerment, experiencing unconditional Love and viewing Life through our Master eyes

  • Greater abundance, joy and focus in our daily lives

  • Attracting and magnetizing people and events that will assist us to flow with the universe in perfect harmony

  • Balancing of the physical body as well as the Spiritual body


Duration: 2 to 3 hours for the activation

Fees: R500

DNA Actualization Activation Two


The Actualization of the DNA Templates follows on from The Activation of the DNA Templates, and it is suggested that you first work with the activation process before completing the Actualisation process.


In the Actualisation of the DNA templates, we work with:


  • Axiatonal lines through the 12 main meridian lines in the body and activate these axiatonal lines interdimensional through the related wormholes or portals, as well as downloading the related chakras.

  • The axiatonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridian lines and connect into twelve spin points of sound and colour frequencies found along each meridian line.

  • The activation of these 144 spin points at each dimensional level creates the appropriate sound and colour frequencies necessary to actualize the DNA as well as connect to our multidimensional selves.

  • The last DNA actualization process taking place on the ninth dimension, the highest dimensional frequency we are able to currently experience.

  • Assisting in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the physical body. Additionally, the chakras start to merge in one unified field column of light and a deep sense of interconnectedness and unconditional love is often experienced, as we move more into the fifth dimensional frequencies of light.

Benefits of DNA Actualisation


  • Knowing that the path of divine love is our birth right, and the ability to flow into the centre of divine love and the cosmic heart of all creation.

  • A deeper more integrated connection to our beloved I AM presence and God through the recognition of ourselves as these sacred beings of divine love.

  • Releasing of old false beliefs and judgements, victim/persecutor consciousness, disillusionments and separation.

  • Moving more into detachment while experiencing a greater flow and depth of all emotions.

  • An increased number of synchronistic events start to occur in our everyday lives as well as the veils of illusion lift and we see clearing through our master eyes knowing that we are Divinely guided in this Golden Age of Light.

  • Perceptual shifts and the ability to read the energy of others more clearly.

  • A sense of no-time, no space – linear time dissolving into a more multidimensional time frame of simply being in the Now.

  • Brining in of multidimensional memories of our Highest Potential in parallel realities through the merging of our multidimensional selves.

  • Increased creative gifts and a greater colour spectrum visibility.

  • Increased ESP gifts such as telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience.

  • Increased anilities to manifest and magnetize all that we need in any given Now moment.


Duration: 2 to 3 hours

Fee: R500

DNA Actualisation Activation Two

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