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The MERKABA has been shared, taught and utilised for thousands of years and through many of the ages of life. It has been discussed in books such as the Book of Enoch, Bible, Torah, Korana and Course of Miracles.

Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine light body ‘vehicle’ that allows a person to ascend into the higher realms, dimensions, astral planes and perceptions. The MERKABA is much more than a vehicle of ascension. Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.


The Bible refers to Ezekiel and the wheels by which he ascended to heaven. This was the MERKABA. The Torah also refers to the MER-KA-VAH (As it is spelt in Hebrew). The two meanings are:

1.  Chariot – vehicle
2.  Throne of God


When the two definitions are combined the true meaning comes to life. ‘Chariot to the throne of God’. Today’s meaning and understanding refers to this as portal connection to absolute love and empowerment of self.

MER -  refers to a specific kind of light that was understood in Egypt during the 18th Dynasty following the reorientation of religions toward the worship of one God of all creation. MER -  was seen as two counter rotating fields of light spinning in the same space. The rotating fields could spin in any direction, at any speed. 

KA -  means spirit, in this case referring to the individual human spirit. The true meaning of spirit meaning strength, courage, strength of mind and character.

BA -  refers to the physical body. It transfers to the spirits interpretation of its particular reality. In the human reality BA is usually defined as the body or physical reality. In other realities where spirits don’t have physical bodies, BA refers to the concepts or interpretation of reality in the realm in which they exist.

And so the entire world in ancient Egypt referred to the rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world and reality to another. This is now described as dimensions and portals. The ancient African Zulu meaning of the MERKABA is a space – time –dimension vehicle. This ancient wisdom has been taught for many thousands of years including in Atlantis, Lemuria, Pleiades, Maya, Ancient Egypt and more.

Below is a very brief overview of the Sacred Geometry and the insight of transformational change through ancient wisdom of MERKABA. The full impact of this amazing ancient tool can only be experienced through the crystal gridding and connection to Kundalini.

The MERKABA is extremely complex, involving the five platonic solids and other sacred polyhedrons. It is believed to extend through all possible dimensional and parallel universes and can change its nature from electromagnetic to whatever is appropriate. The blueprint of the MERKABA is found everywhere and in everything. It can be found in nature such as the sunflower and red blood cells of humans.

The MERKABA is a counter rotating field of light generated from the spinning of specific geometric forms that simultaneously affect one’s spirit and body. It is a vehicle that can aid the mind, body and spirit to access and experience other planes of reality or potential in life. It is a tool that allows you to discover more about yourself and connect with your Higher Self. It gives you the opportunity to move to new levels of understanding and awareness, discovering other realms and how to create different outcomes. The MERKABA is a tool and technique that facilitates humans to reach their full potential in any and all areas of their life. The most important thing about the MERKABA is the connection to one unified universal mind called the omnipresence and the awareness that we are creators of our own world and can create anything.


The MERKABA is situated around the human body like a three dimensional geometric web that is a dormant and non functional, waiting for the right moment  to be activated. When the spirit that inhabits the body ‘remembers’ that it is there and begins to change certain aspects of itself, an incredible transformation begins to grow.

One of the functions of the MERKABA as mentioned before was as a vehicle to take the spirit (character of a person) and the body into the next world. This concept and function integrates and applies once the person has given themselves permission to ascend and move to another level of understanding. Once this occurs they are open to pure potentiality and all possibilities.

The MERKABA enables us to experience expanded awareness. What that means in everyday language and understanding is that we are able to see patterns within our lives and change them and be totally aware of ancient truth – words and actions that are spoken in love or fear. The awareness is being totally aware of the why, what, how come and when of all experience and creation. This awareness can be as simple as ‘why I have created this disease?’ It allows us to connect with elevated potentials of consciousness and / or self realisation. The MERKABA restores the ‘memory’ of the infinite possibilities of our being – knowing we can create anything and everything within us. It all comes to what we perceive and what do we ‘hold on to’ as a belief.

The MERKABA fluidly integrates our feminine (intuitive, love) and masculine (active, fear) aspects of our mind and spirit to be one. In doing so it neutralises experiences to be of equal value and creating a world on non duality and being totally aware of the totality of all creation. The result being no experiences of good/bad, up/down, sad/happy – it is a feeling of completion, peace and harmony. Your world becomes pure potentiality knowing anything and everything is possible as you are the creator of your life.


The MERKABA is a living field: not purely a mechanical field of energy. As it is living it responds to human thought and feeling, which is a way to connect to the field. The ‘computer’ that guides the MERKABA is the human mind and heart. The possibilities are endless.

It is a crystalline energy field that is comprised of specific sacred geometry shapes that align the mind, body and heart together. This energy field created from sacred geometry extends around the body for a distance of 55 feet. These fields spin around our body at the speed of light. At present the fields have slowed down due to lack of attention and use. At certain and specific moments, and not necessarily in one lifetime, an individual's MERKABA field can become alive. When this happens, an electromagnetic change occurs which results in a disc of energy that comes out from a tiny place near the base of the spine and quickly expands to about 27 – 30 feet in radius around the body. The disc can easily be perceived by scientific means.

What is the Merkaba or Light Body?

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